The thing that man will hold on to
until the very end
is his pride.
One’s pride is the life he has lived until now
and so he is unwilling to let go of it.
He is unwilling to let go of it
even after he is dead.

Tears come to my eyes.
Man may look back on his life over and over again,
however no one else but he knows his experiences.
With the flow of time, man rears his mind –
a mind which he gains throughout his life
and lives fixed upon.
The Universe blames that mind;
it tells man to let go of that mind and live.
Life is a passing memory
in which anything and everything passes;
in which man sees what he sees as existence;
in which man thinks he is his self;
in which man does not realize
that attachments are burdens.

The will of the Universe is the Mind,
which is one that is absent of attachments.
Such is the will of the Universe.
The Mind is the Universe;
the Mind is the origin.
One who does not know this true will of the Universe
will live with his own distant and obscure mind.
From Nature’s Flow
0: 13 Contents
0: 37 Introducing hosts
1:05 Introducing Online Meditation Oceania
2:18 Lecture on Human Mind
9:58 Lecture after guided meditation
Have you wondered how to let go of your thoughts? What ego is? What Pride is? How to eliminate the mind? So what are you waiting for?
If you listen to this, you'll start to understand what the mind is. If you join us and meditate, you'll start to understand how this method is the total solution - The Way - to resolve the perpetual problem of "the ego".
Note: This is a recorded clip of the live guided session that we run every Tuesday and Saturday. They are run by our volunteers from all different walks of life, yet, who are happy to share this beautiful message with everyone. Due to the nature of the ‘live, online’ circumstances, the audio sound might not equal to the custom-recording sound. However, we hope you enjoy the content and hope you appreciate the messages being delivered here.