Sanghee Sally Kim
A few years ago, I was struggling with depression. At that time, I felt like that I was crouching inside a big and deep hole. It was as if I couldn’t hear or see anything.
I tried a few sessions with a psychologist, as my husband suggested but it did not help me much. I thought that no one will be able to help me.
During that period sometimes, I talked to my sister who was doing the same meditation in Korea and one day she sent me the registration fee for one month at the Sydney Meditation Centre, as a present. So I started doing this meditation because I did not want to disappoint my sister.
When I had passed each level, everything became clearer and clearer in my mind. While I was doing meditation, I could also see where the depression came from. I gradually was able to deal with the reasons for my depression and by following the meditation method, I eventually found that the depression began to disappear. It was like a miracle for me.

Now I am much happier and I have become a more positive person.
It has also brought more happiness to my family.
As well as this, my relationships with my husband and with my co-workers have improved. My perspective towards the world has changed and also, I have come to understand that they think differently to me.